Nestle is a chocolate company founded in Switzerland by a man named Henri Nestle. During both world war one and one world war two the company grew and is now one of the major leading brands in the chocolate industry. Nestle are the makers of Aero, Smarties, KitKats and other chocolates that are distributed worldwide. On line there are a variety of different figures that are said to be the profits of Nestle in the year 2010 but none of them correspond with another so I was unable to ascertain the actual profits of the company.
Cadburys is one of the largest suppliers of chocolate in Ireland. They have had factories open here in Dublin since 1932 and from there they have continued to expand throughout the country. By 1948 just as the war had ended Cadbury extended themselves to Kerry. Today over 250 million euros worth of cadburys chocolate is exported from Ireland every year, which gives Irish trade €110 million annually.
This is the Cadbury's logo.

This is the Nestle logo.

And this is the Mars logo.
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